Sunday, 26 November 2017

Farewell ride to the LONDON DYNAMOS

Brexit means "(R)exit" - I never made a secret of it, but the fact that more than 50% of the British population think German migrants should go home pushed me into an identity crisis. After 20 years in the UK I was still seen as a German immigrant and at the same time felt like a foreigner whenever I traveled to Germany. I don't want my son to have limited chances in his future because he is the child of immigrants (despite being British himself). British cycling differs in no way, as I had been excluded from competition from British championships year after year. Just the LVRC are a different bunch, they never had a problem with this. So after having paid more than a million pounds in taxes throughout my work life, contributed to the pension and healthcare system whilst being privately insured at the same time and sending our child to private schools for some 8 years, I can say me as an immigrant has given a lot, but received almost nothing from the UK. With one big exception. The London Dynamo Cycling club. Here I found the best of Britain and the best British people. Leaving this Club is one of the biggest regrets I have, leaving the country.

I felt truly humbled by such big bunch assembled for my last ride. Thank you!

A true gent, one of the most remarkable people I have ever met. Saying good-bye to Paul Harknett was not an easy ask.

What better farewell could there be, rather than having a last puncture on your last ride.