Monday, 27 July 2020

ASC 3 days summer Trainingscamp in Engelwarz, Allgäu

A couple of month into this Covid malarky our brillant Club organised a three-day camp.
This was a fantastic weekend of riding, socializing, getting to know a bunch of ace people and btw getting to experience some of the most outstanding landscapes. Allgaeu is such an amazing area for cycling and Vorarlberg really rocks! More than 500km and 6000m of climbing.

Riding out to the basecamp without having been awarded our kit, yet.

Riding Allgaeuer Mountains for once, had been a long time in waiting
I keep forgetting the name of the main climb of the day, Tannhaeuser I think was a piece of classical music....

Tanntaler maybe? But who cares, when you just imagine riding up here.

Hi Alpine road at the top, not dissimilar to the upper parts of Timmelsjoch or also Kuehtai. 

Social around the log fire, everyone summarizing their life stories and why they are cycling.

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Ammersee Cycling Team

Since having left Berlin for Herrsching a year ago, I have been riding on my own. With no further prospect of racing this year, it had become almost pointless, to train for anything, just going out and ride for mental stress relive and some degree of fitness becomes kind of dull. Pressing the pedals hard for 5 hours plus, on my own became increasingly wearing. Joining a club based in Munich I found too inconvenient. So, this newly formed team just crossed my path in the right moment. A fast growing community of riders of varying abilities, ages and genders and later also multiple nationalities. 

Next time around we won't fit into one single picture any more

Head down, cam's up

Club meeting during corona, AHA

A steady ride together, averaging 32km/h which means
 sometimes 55km/h hour and then wait
so that everyone catches up again.