The genuine origin of my revelofication was on the 15. July
2010, during a lunch with Lord Norman Foster in Hongkong. We had just presented the competition winning
scheme for the West Kowloon Cultural District and Norman took the team out for
lunch. We had a relaxed conversation about Design in general, about
Architecture and Cities and somehow got talking of those in terms of performance.
At the time one of our consultants was suffering from a leg injury inflicted
through a cycling accident. Performance and Cycling, those two themes kicked of
a conversation about the amazing human experience of cycling. The independence
won through a free mode of transportation, the challenge of staying on the bike
over long distances and high altitudes, the experience of speed. Norman
revealed himself as a keen cyclist, enjoying the swiss mountains on his MTB but
also roadbike. He also revealed that he enjoyed riding in Richmond park when he
was still resident in London. I felt awkward, having given up cycling eighteen
years earlier and now feeling inspired by my professional principal to get back
on the bike. I actually felt kind of embarrassed to admit that I, an ex semi-pro
racer had given up that once life filling passion. I felt adrenalin in my
veins. My old passion was reignited. After all I still had my old BASSO LOTO from 1991 parked in the living room.