After an eighteen years break from competitive road cycling and any other sports I got back on the bike in 2011. This blog summarizes in retrospect my first period from 1982-1994 then fast forward to 2011 and finally gets to the turning point, my "revelofication" with my first race in September 2012. From that point in time this blog turns into a race diary with interspersed posts of a more reflective nature.
Saturday, 22 August 2015
Hillingdon Crit; 6th Place
After a morning ride into the Hills I decided to do some early afternoon crit racing. Awfull hot day, but went to Hillingdon just to get some points. Could have won the race in bunch sprint if I wouldnt have allowed myself to get boxed. Ended 6th. But the heat and respiration made me feel pretty weak throughout the race, no way I could have sustained a solo attack.