Wednesday, 3 June 2020

01.June 2020 Alpenride 1of2: Bayrischzell and Wendelstein Area, 120km, 3000hm

 One of the memorable days out of this year, a ride that was meant to get me to 5000m of climbing started too late due to excessive driving time. Going up from Hammer to Sudelfeld from 3 different directions, Tatzelwurm and Speckalm, Walleralm  followed by a second leg up to Spitzingsattel-Firstalm-Valepp-Rottach-Valepp-Spitzingsee and back to Hammer. The heat was almost unbearable and so were the hundreds of Motorbikers. On Speckalm I was lacking gears, going up there on 39/28 was almost impossible. Needed to come back with more teeth and grit. To be continued.

Sudelfeld with view over to Speck-Alm

Behind Brannenburg

From Hammer towards Bayerischzell
