After an eighteen years break from competitive road cycling and any other sports I got back on the bike in 2011. This blog summarizes in retrospect my first period from 1982-1994 then fast forward to 2011 and finally gets to the turning point, my "revelofication" with my first race in September 2012. From that point in time this blog turns into a race diary with interspersed posts of a more reflective nature.
Saturday, 20 September 2014
20. September 2014 ; First time back on the Roadbike; Dynamo Saturday Clubride, Richmond Park
It feels like ages ago, that the accident happened. But it has only been 4 weeks! Originally I was told that I will need two month to recover from my injuries. The severity of my vertebrae fracture for instance, so I was told by a spinal surgeon just end of last week, is usually only encountered as a result of heavy car crashes. But its on the mend and the damaged shoulder ligaments that got diagnosed only last week (lol) will need to find their own ways to come back together too, no surgery necessary. Have tried twice to get off the painkillers, but its not working entirely yet, although at least I reduced it to two CoCodamol per day now, instead of four. My lung volume will probably take most time to get back to what it was before. As told by my Lung specialist at the Royal Brompton two weeks ago, I needed to take it very easy for another 3 weeks, was allowed to start exercising very carefully, not exceeding a heartrate of 110bpm for the first week. So, after having spent the first week exclusively on a stationary trainer at home, not exceeding this margin, I had a first attempt out on the road today. Thanks to clubmate Lloyd who encouraged me to get out and accompanying me in a slower group, that really helped, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. It felt really good to be back out on a bike, amongst the people I know and appreciate, my club. Psychologically for me an important step to not get depressed and fat. The race-season is over, but the year still has got weekends of beautiful riding to come. For today, I was struggling to get 50km together, felt like starting maybe not from Zero, but from half. Looking forward to the next half....