Sunday, 14 September 2014

21.August 2014, a sudden end of the season

A holiday that started badly.
I didn't see the dog
Not much I can remember but the dog apparently ran at full speed into me, lifting me off the ground and I fell very unlucky head first on my left side. So I was told and so the injuries tell:
-Heavy concussion & brain trauma
-Fracture of the left eye socket of my scull
-Heavy bruising to the whole left half of my head and totally blood flooded left eye
-Ribs 2,3,4,5 fractured (on the backside)
-Pneumothorax caused by at least one rib puncturing my lung
-chest vertebrae #1 fractured

After a day at the intensive care unit and a week at Wolfsburg Municipal Hospital (Germany), I was released early in order to return to the UK and consult doctors for further treatment here.
After 3 weeks I am still in pain, primarily the broken ribs, the lung and my shoulder case discomfort even under use of strong painkillers. As a result I cannot sleep through the night, cannot do any physical exercise, and need to have a nap after lunch and am spend for the day past 8:00pm.

The pain in the chest and the shoulder pain are still being looked at by doctors. An mri scan of my shoulder from last week will be discussed on tuesday. There is suspected ligament damage which didn't get picked up previously. My left eye, although the healing of the bleeding has progressed well, will be investigated again due to perceived slight impairment of my vision.

So, not looking too bad altogether, thumbs up.
Still being off work for another 2 weeks helps. Not sure I otherwise could cope with sitting at a desk, look at a screen, have stress and long hours and the commute. Don't feel ready for work at all, yet.

Amazing selfhealing abilities
of the human body - 3 weeks post accident